Some classes of interval tensors and their properties

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Hormozgan, P. O. Box 3995, Bandar Abbas, Iran



First, we define and investigate some new classes of interval tensors, called interval exceptionally regular tensors  ($ER-$tensor) and interval $wP-$tensors which is relevant to interval strictly semi-positive tensors. Also, we show that $ER-$tensor is a wide class of interval tensors, which includes many important structured tensors. Second, some classes of interval matrices are extended to interval tensors, such as interval $R(R_0)$-tensor and column sufficient interval tensor. We discuss their relationships with interval positive semi-definite tensors and some other structured interval tensors. In addition,  necessary and sufficient conditions for interval (strictly) copositive and interval $E_0$-tensors are presented and investigated. Finally, we extend the concept of the column sufficient interval matrix to the column sufficient interval tensor.


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